Note: the issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github tool
Original bug ID: BZ#667
From: @tupelo-schneck
Reported version: 8.1
Note: the issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github tool
Original bug ID: BZ#2250
From: @Eelis
Reported version: 8.5
CC: @herbelin, @JasonGross, @ppedrot
Any plans to export this CoRec structure to its own library? or perhaps as part of vinyl? I'm interested in trying to use this for the upcoming vinyl rework of webdriver, but I'd like to only depend o…
Consider the following code:
module _ (A : Set) where
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
record R : Set where
data D : Set where
open R (record {})
[@FroMage] We find that `Void` (the top of the hierarchy) is not adequatly named, since it conveys the idea that it can only point to nothing.
Similarly we find that `Bottom` (the subclass of every t…
I ran into an issue with my package when I included `VERSION >= v"0.4.0-dev+6521" && __precompile__()` per https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/RLlYPlsT-dU/mhdukrp-AgAJ
The issue is that …
The freeCodeCamp community has started building an interactive, browser-based Math for Programmers curriculum. It's just a matter of designing the thousands of LaTeX-driven challenges necessary to tea…
##### Identification of the Originator
Paul Chisholm
##### Target of the request, defining the affected components of the language definition
VDM-SL order relation
##### Motivation for the req…
I'm not sure what's the problem. F* doesn't give any warning.
$ fstar.exe M.fst
Verified module: M (1095 milliseconds)
All verification conditions discharged successfully
I'm trying to write a function that matches the implicit type of the argument that it's called on;
val matchtype: #t:Type -> e:t -> Tot nat
let matchtype #t e = match t with
| bool -> 2