I want to implement something like photo browser but instead of photos, I want to browse custom views that have image, description and comments, etc..
Is it possible to use MWPhotoBrowser for custo…
Hello i need some help to have the MWPhotoBrowser inside a container.
Can you help me pls??
with xcode 4.6 it says:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:hidden animated:animated];
is deprecated
line 913 MWPhotoBrowser.m
hi, i just add new feature for MWPhotoBrowser, add progress support when download images form netwok, how can i merge my code? just finished the job, and i want to submit my code to git hub.
I am unable to call my own methods implemented in my own class using MWPhotoBrowser.
I have added the delegate in the .h file and it also shows the implementation when (Command + Click) on the …
In both the demo project and in my implementation using the 1.1.3 POD, I don't see any sign of this method firing:
- (void)photoBrowser:(MWPhotoBrowser *)photoBrowser didViewPhotoAtIndex:(NSUInteger)i…
ghost updated
11 years ago
I think we could improved this library by renaming the current MWPhotoBrowserDelegate to MWPhotoBrowserDataSource and adding a real MWPhotoBrowserDelegate which could handle some useful events li…
Since in iOS 7 has changed the origin of coordinates, and since wantsFullScreenLayout has been deprecated, photos are aligned in wrong ways.
It crashed when click "Save/Copy/Email Photo", and the breakpoit is in
- (MBProgressHUD *)progressHUD {
if (!_progressHUD) {
_progressHUD = [[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithView:self.view];
I think this is a question rather than a defect. i am looking over the code and it looks quite nice. There are two things I want to do with it and wondering if it's possible
1. Make a automatic s…
ghost updated
11 years ago