In Appium window version, when i was trying to spy using inspect, i didn't get any unique property like nae,id etc , here my application is built up infragistics tool, can you please suggest is there …
In Python Package Index, the last version of pypylon package is [1.4.0](https://pypi.org/project/pypylon/#history).
However, the newest release of repository is [1.5.1](https://github.com/basler/py…
PSA for the community: since the release of Next.js 9.5 the custom server (`/server.js`) approach to this is no longer recommended by the Next.js team. Instead you should use `rewrites` in `next.confi…
No more singleton.
To make the docker build the image, I had to make these changes in the Dockerfile: use jessie debian instead of wheezy, change llvm-3.0 to llvm and libgnutls-dev to libgnutls28-dev. Now I am praying i…
Pas mal des usepackage sont obsolètes. Donc avec une first install propre de latexmk, le .tex n'est pas compilable.
Les membres actifs peuvent s'en occuper, cet issue est là pour rappel.
Many of the libraries in `package.json` are deprecated. Additionally, some code examples are also OBE. For example, rule conditions no longer use `type` and `expectedValue` properties and were replace…
@tophealth and @imuchnik, I see that this site is affiliated with https://tophealth.pif.gov, but is also hosted as an independent GitHub pages site.
GSA IT will discontinue hosting tophealth.pif.gov …
PS C:\Ivan\proyectos\go\src\astilectron> go run main.go
astikit: starting worker...
Provisioning Astilectron...
Removing directory C:\Users\INFORM2\AppData\Roaming\dsf…
1.9 (expected behavior)
1.12 (still does damage and has effects, but invisible)