Hey guys, great library !! 🥇
I am exploring this lib since 3 days for the user mention feature & I have a requirement to show '@' (explicit character) in the MentionEditText, even after the user se…
Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Can't avoid next leak:
* .MainActivity$CardFragment has leaked:
* GC ROOT android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue
* references android.os.Message…
I am getting "Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap" error. If i am get bitmap from cache by using below code
``` java
ImagePipeline imagePipeline = Fresco.getImagePipeline();
I'm constantly getting autofill leaks and it would be nice if LeakCanary auto excluded them.
Here's a sample leak:
In com.supercilex.robotscouter.debug:1.1.2-DEBUG:1.
* com.supercilex.robots…
It looks like same issue as #263 , but I see this issue on Android 7.1 too.
Fatal Exception: android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package mb3…
currently emoji just show as text
Can BetterLinkMovementMethod return a SpannableString?
I need to get the source span and then add additional manipulations. Thanks for this great library!
Linkify version 2.2.0. Link text is not highlighted, click listener isn't called. Here's my code:
` Have an account? Log in`
BetterLinkMovementMethod.linkify(Linkify.ALL, tvLog…
This is how the website displays them. Also, it makes it clear that the post is a reply and who it's replying to without having to "show more".