When I try to install the latest version of JTAppleCalendar (8.0.0) with Carthage I get the following error:
`*** Skipped building JTAppleCalendar due to the error:
Dependency "JTAppleCalen…
I Simply Downloaded the librabary and pbx file changed the compatibility version to support the xcode 10+
Got following error
Showing All Messages
:-1: Missing package product 'JTAppleCalendar'…
error: multiple products named 'Logging' in: Console, swift-log
error: multiple targets named 'Logging' in: Console, swift-log
**(Required) Version Number:** 8.0.1
## Description
When ranged selection is available I found an issue which I think is a bug. Please look at the attached image:
![Simulator Screen Shot - iPho…
I'm not sure if this is a toolchain issue or a project issue, but it seems #430 no longer works correctly. I've been trying it within Xcode 11 but to make it easier to debug, the following is the outp…
**(Required) Version Number:**
## Description
Currently it's not possible to use JTAppleCalendar 8.0.1 via cocoapods, despite the release is in master.
## Steps To Reproduce
1. Update…
**(Required) Version Number:**
JTAppleCalendar (8.0.0)
## Description
## Steps To Reproduce
## Expected Behavior
## Additional Context
I am following the wiki tutorial but I am una…
github "patchthecode/JTAppleCalendar" "7.1.7"
Xcode 10.2.1
`error: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0' is unsupported, supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. (in target 'JTAppleCalendar tvOS')`
## Motivation
It would be nice to get a small minimalistic boilerplate of a project that runs the Swift SDL2 bindings alone. I like where this project is going, but I see value even in the ability o…
## Current behavior
When initializing the submodules the following error appears.
clone of 'git@github.com:flowkey/SDL2-SwiftPackageManager.git' into submodule path '/Users/huck/Desktop/UIKit-cros…