I anticipate a lot of "GEE I WONDER WHY I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT" when newcomers come into the channel asking how to make their types hashable, since the hash trait has some weirdo type signature, and t…
bblum updated
10 years ago
Not sure why am I the only person having this error. I'm using ghc-mod from master, and since some time ago, it started having this problem:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Selecting delete…
k-bx updated
10 years ago
data R = R Int Int
f = 1 `R` 2
=> UnsupportedOperator (QConOp (UnQual (Ident "R")))
f (1 `R` 2) = 1
=> UnsupportedPattern (PInfixApp (PLit (Int 1)) (UnQual (Ident "R")) (PLit (Int 2)))
a x y…
ghci> :set -XTemplateHaskell
ghci> :set -XQuasiQuotes
ghci> :set -ddump-if-trace
ghci> import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax.QQ
ghci> [dec| type Pair = (Int, String) |]
Considering whether to load …
The most descriptive error message is the one the PDF option gives:
``` plain
Error: Child process exited with 1: convert: fromJSON: unknown constructor: EmDash
DataType {tycon = "Text.Pandoc.Definit…