data R = R Int Int
f = 1 `R` 2
=> UnsupportedOperator (QConOp (UnQual (Ident "R")))
f (1 `R` 2) = 1
=> UnsupportedPattern (PInfixApp (PLit (Int 1)) (UnQual (Ident "R")) (PLit (Int 2)))
a x y…
ghci> :set -XTemplateHaskell
ghci> :set -XQuasiQuotes
ghci> :set -ddump-if-trace
ghci> import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax.QQ
ghci> [dec| type Pair = (Int, String) |]
Considering whether to load …
The most descriptive error message is the one the PDF option gives:
``` plain
Error: Child process exited with 1: convert: fromJSON: unknown constructor: EmDash
DataType {tycon = "Text.Pandoc.Definit…