investigate why it didnt alert
### Describe the Bug
Adding the series of numbers in the calendar input field sometimes renders the number and converts them to the correct date, but sometimes it shows a random date which does not…
Implement a calendar class that allows the To-Do items of a plan to be viewed
as a Calender
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `yassmeen...@gmail.com` on 22 Apr 2011 at 9:24
A long description for a calender event results in some text getting cut-off.
See image. The hours in calender aren't scrolling but the bar with the
New Event in is. Shouldn't the hours scroll in the day window instead of
the bar?
Original issue reported on code.go…
Can there be an option to export events to Google Calendar/iCal?
For reference look into https://www.meetup.com/home/ meetup home page we are goint to implememnt similer layout
- Add header section have welcome with name keep it static we will add dynamic data lat…
새 카드 생성 화면에서 아래 Deadline 클릭 시 calender에서 선택할 수 있게 만들기