From previous issues I have noticed that you have provided two datasets (http://www.zeeshanzia.com/dataset/KITTI3D_cvpr17.zip and http://www.nec-labs.com/~mas/DISCO/). However, I noticed that …
Add ImageNet as a benchmark based on the Pytorch data loader.
First of all awesome work. Your this repository helped me a lot during my literature review and my research work.
Second, just a minor addition. Here is a great paper "Learning Discriminative an…
Thought it was worth including this related paper I came across from naverlabs.
"From handcrafted to deep local features", Gabriela Csurka, Christopher R. Dance, Martin Humenberger. 2019
I found some unrelated papers in this list, such as:
Non-local Neural Networks. Wang, Xiaolong and Girshick, Ross and Gupta, Abhinav and He, Kaiming. CVPR 2018.
Neural Message Passing for Quant…
Forwarded from e-mail:
Dear Prof. Berger,
Thank you for establishing, running, and maintaining the csrankings.org website. Your website has become a highly valuable resource for prospec…
两层LSTM模型, 一层用于实现自上而下的注意力,一层实现语言模型。
words = [w for w in word_freq.keys() if word_freq[w] > 3]
放在 床上 的 笔记 笔记…
Thanks for your nice work and code release.
- I wonder if there is any script for the training procedure in Alg.1 of your paper? I followed your paper and wrote my own version (without ground truth)…
**Submitting author:** @ablaom (Anthony Blaom)
**Repository:** https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/MLJ.jl
**Version:** v0.14.1
**Editor:** @terrytangyuan
**Reviewer:** @degleris1, @henrykironde