Does [this solution](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#pdf-export) to export the presentation to PDF work in your case? I was able to get only first two slides exported into pdf-like view (see the …
can u build a xp version, thx, my program need it, i've found every where but no luck
Running this workshop I spotted that the slideshow may not be the best delivery method for the students maybe a straight web page or maybe a pdf on kindle or printout as last result. We'd need a buil…
Hi There!
I am creating a PDF with Shower Framework. There is a table in the HTML file. Only the last row in the table is being rendered when the PDF is viewed on Chrome. The table appears to be fi…
It would be nice to offer a makefile to compile all slides to PDF and maybe other nice things to help training developers.
From early testing of [Puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer), it seems it'd be possible to migrate to it to leverage headless Chrome.
1. Export engine:
- [x] Force the `screen`…
Flexbox layout using `div class="imgbox"`.
+ Regular HTML view (Chrome): ok
+ With `print-pdf`: ok
+ With `print-pdf` and in-browser print-preview: ok
+ With phantom: fails
Add an option to generate PDF version of the presentation using `decktape.js`.
markdownreveal pdf presentation.md
Peque updated
7 years ago
I followed the steps [in the tutorial presentation](https://sinedied.github.io/backslide/#3).
It fails on `bs init` as I don't have bower installed:
$ bs init
zsh: command not found: bower
See for example the difference between the proper [gitpitch rendering](https://gitpitch.com/boileaum/gitpitch/dev?grs=gitlab&t=white#) and the non math fonts of the [corresponding pdf export](https://…