after upgrading to RepRapFirmware 3.01-RC9 from RC8 the thermostatically controlled fan does not turn on at the set temp. (As this is the hot end fan this caused a huge clog in the printer) The JSON s…
I just installed the ESP3D on a NodeMCU board. It seems to be working. I tried uploading a file into the printer (no printer attached, just a blind test, the printer serial interface set to 250kbits p…
I'm trying to set up a reverse proxy for this. In the past, the asset links were relative, but now they seem to be absolute. Is there a way to set up a reverse proxy on a given path? e.g. https://aequ…
8-Bit AVR boards, RAMPS, etc.|Arduino AVR|💚good|
Due, RAMPS FD (v2.A!), etc.|SAM3X8E|💚good|
Duet Wifi + X5|SAM3X8E|❓unknown|E3D Toolchanger on hand
Duet 2 Maestro|SA…
on RRF3.1.1, duet 2 wifi, after cancelling a print, bltouch no longer deploys or retracts.
after board reset, bltouch deploys and retracts as expected.
Is this expected behavior or have I run into…
M106 does not default to P0 on Duet Wifi
M106: Fan On
Pnnn Fan number (optional, defaults to 0). (In RRF_3 relates to the fan number created by M950, NOT the fan pin number on the …
Is it planned to support the work through the JSON, and RepapFirmware?
I'm assuming instances of `com.apple.CrashReporter.plist` in isolation isn't something to be too concerned about (using `mtv-project` and `pegasus.stix2` indicators). Is it worth highlighting this in …
Hi, I use a Duet WiFi board, but I would like to monitor my duet via OctoPrint, while printing from the builtin SD card on the duet, would something like this be possible?
Let's coordinate the Marlin 2.0 RC1 release and track remaining work for this first release candidate.
### AVR
Board|MCU|SD Card|LCD|TMC SPI|TMC UART|EEPROM|WiFi|Max6675|Neopixel