As far as I understood your awesome blog post and the provided examples, it is required to know the name of the cookie to fetch beforehand. I'm currently working with a service which is giving out coo…
after the tokens intercepted and the auth url is reached the redirection don't work.
Anybody have this problem?
[07:23:51] [+++] [0] detected authorisation URL - tokens intercepted: /profi…
Today I tried to collect auth tokens. The service that I'm using has cookies for the parent and a subdomain that keep authentication information, but unfortunately I was unable to fetch them using evi…
└─[$] sudo make install
cp: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre './bin/evilginx': No existe el fichero o el directorio
make: *** [Makefile:20: install] Error 1
┌─[root@Gear] - [~/go/src/github.com/k…
Been playing with the new developer mode, and kept getting certificate errors SEC_ERROR_REUSED_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL
Looked at the code a bit, and if I understood correctly you re-use the serial number…
Twitter.yaml pull merge is in root dir and not phishlets dir.
Probably my fault when submitting pull request.
Here is my code for google can u let me know where is the problem.
- {phish_sub: 'accounts', orig_sub: 'accounts', domain: 'goo…
So I've figured out that my yaml file works.
If I leave phish_sub blank (so the certificate does NOT match) and click through "visit this site anyway" it will log credentials and session.
If I c…
Hi Kuba,
First of all, pretty awesome tool. You and evilsocket made me look into Go, providing such awesome tools! Thanks for all your effort.
I just installed the binary for Kali linux (4.17.0-…
The phish link is responding with "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" in chrome for different web sites... any clues?