In regards to #35 (where you did an EXCELLENT job - as in the full library as a whole), I have noticed that using non-square logos it's a bit hard to determine the number of squares that sho…
We should probably catch the `CalledProcessError` and fail to load the image gracefully. This could probably be done by just returning an empty pixmap and let vimiv do the rest.
@luizmb , I wasn't sure if I should log this issue directly against the [CombineRextensions repo](https://github.com/teufelaudio/CombineRextensions) since I couldn't log them against the [fork](https:…
React team recently announced hooks: https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/making-sense-of-react-hooks-fdbde8803889. Due to how similar Flutter is with React, it would probably be interesting to see if thes…
After thinking it was all working it I've discovered another issue. For reasons I can't figure out it always displays page 2 first instead of page 1. Here's the code (using Xcode 11). I can see it ste…
I would like to be able to animate a value inside a Frame in response to the user scrolling on the Page. For instance, it adds a feeling of warmth when the user scrolls into the new page …
This view `ImageScale` is not registered in any zcml:
and it is just used by t…
UserDetaultWrapper.swift -> public var wrappedValue: T {... never sets value
the get { return ...} is called but never the set {...} so the value stored in the UserDefault never changes
Dear all,
i was initialy asking on stakoverflow for whatever im doing wrong:
How to draw on top of the image so that drawing is part of the image and not a separate object. Can someone help me in this