Thanks for contributing! :heart:
If this contribution is for instructor training, please email the link to this contribution to
checkout@carpentries.org so we can record your pro…
I can install pystruct on python 2.7 with "pip install pystruct" but I can’t install that on python 3.7.
python 3.7.2 (v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 24 2018, 02:44:43)
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on da…
Hi Keith,
How would you recommend handling a case where we know the true treatment probabilities? I'd prefer to use them to avoid having to fit the model_propensity (in a doubly rob…
## Lesson: RESTful APIs
## Lesson overview
Cover RESTful APIs and how to write them.
## Lesson outline
The following items defi…
Hi there,
Thanks for the package. I recently encountered difficulty extracting variable importance metrics from a ranger learner after building a pipeline that did some feature engineering, etc. W…
## Instructions
1. Pair up with a volunteer and work on a piece of programming together
1. As a trainee, you will need to **explain your thought process,** **plan out what to do**, **write the cod…
### Contact Details
### What happened?
Exercise : 03
Task: 02
Step: 09
Description of issue:
The step asks the learner to open a PowerShell session with Admin rights,…
# Education-AI
## Submitter Information
- **Name:** Anandha, **Email:** viharianandha@gmail.com
## Reward Address
## Project Plan
Education AI is…
### Description / Summary
Quizzes help learners identify mistakes in their understanding, improve comprehension by rewarding correct knowledge, and increase interactive learning opportunities.
A …
van-8 updated
2 years ago
A discussion on building a draft component for adding students via Email Invites, which can already be extended to Institutions inviting Instructors.