examples are **kharcu peTTu**, **penDLi ceyyi**. Here, it is a compund of NOUN + VERB. @viswanath pointed that it is better to have a compou…
### Order Food
_Hackers must be fed!_
- [ ] Order a light breakfast, lunch, and dinner (if applicable) for each day of the event
- [ ] Check if caterer provides water and refreshment options. If not,…
### Your current environment
Collecting environment information...
PyTorch version: 2.2.2+cu121
Is debug build: False
CUDA used to build PyTorch: 12.1
ROCM used to build PyTorch: N/A
This is an extension function I frequently end up writing and using in projects:
fun Activity.setNavigationBarStyle() = window.apply {
Current version: 4.0.1 rc
Login screen will not render:
ERROR Error: Uncaught (…
### Aircraft Version
### Build info
"built": "2023-04-27T21:19:23+00:00",
"ref": "refs/heads/experimental",
"sha": "c907a0913975558481d0988df291df0d96a030d4",
Hi, so i found searching ```person.has='head'``` works fine now.. this is a great addition as it's more relaxed to draw boxes around a part rather than tracing the whole outlines.. its easy to dip in…
Thanks for this beautiful theme and we have been using for one of our Project. We noticed that when we refresh the page the css styles are applied with initial latency and creates some flickering effe…
- head タグの中に meta description と meta keywords を追加する
- sitemap.xml を追加する
- performance の改善について調査
⇒Google Chrome のデヴェロッパーツールで Light House (h…
首先参考了https://github.com/ruyisdk/openwrt-th1520/tree/th1520 ,然后编译中出现了kernel编译,缺少dts等一系列问题,在使用了很trick的方法(复制revy老师firmware中的固件和删除kernel中未使用函数,变量这类…