Hi Ewan,
The toFile() method is failing for a FilterbankBlock. Problem is a missing "header" in line 558 of Filterbank.py:
Currently reads: out_file = self.prepOutfile(filename,back_compatible=back_…
When creating large af::arrays with af::randn, the resulting sequence is not a truly random sequence, but in fact contains at least 2 of every number for large arrays.
The way the rolls are calculated is biased and will not produce equally likely results across the entire range.
let die = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.faces) + 1
The Mersenne twister algorithm for random numbers in `tools.cpp` is plagiarized from an algorithm described in its original form in multiple other locations:
i started doing some probability work and this code isn't working the way it should
>print, rnd, seed
0.888299 0
my pro…
See http://numbercrunch.de/trng/
I am trying to install SpineML on macOS, I am following the instructions provided at: https://spineml.github.io/spinecreator/source/
When I reach the `SpineML_PreFlight` step, after launching `make…
Hello! I know np.random.rand uses the Mersenne twister to generate random numbers. I am wondering whether np.random.binomial also uses Mersenne twister sequence? If not, how can I use Mersenne twis…
sqjin updated
4 years ago
As of now, random numbers get generated for use in nonce or IV seed using rand() .
For one of the future releases, we should discuss whether it is worth considering another, cryptographically more …