Process Modeler: Can't scroll all the way to bottom of page in Microsoft Edge
For a normal FORM screen type, a submit button is required for it to work correctly. We need to add a linter rule that confirms a submit button and, if it doesn't exist, throws a validation error.
This is a partial regression of https://github.com/ProcessMaker/modeler/issues/412.
**Steps to reproduce:**
1. Enable auto validation:
2. Modify the start event (drag it to a new position or…
When I save a text element that contains HTML, the HTML is stripped out. We'd like to be able to include HTML - even if it's a limited set of elements.
To streamline this process, instead of showing the JSON box, show the options table instead.
Importing this file renders the process unable to be saved. Doesn't matter if it is saved blank, or if you try to build a new flow.
0: "DOMDocument::schemaValidate(): Element '{http://www.omg.…
We need to strip out all HTML form elements from the Rich Text box.
Round elements seem to be horizontally off centre, causing the initial flow element to be not straight
While testing German translations I am seeing this English strings in the modeler
- [ ] Please click On to select a date.
- [ ] New Task
- [ ] The id field should be unique across all elements in…