Originally reported on Google Code with ID 732
The icons from GLMUIThemeExtraIcons and from MooseIcons should be saved in larger resolutions
(currently, they are in 16x16).
Mondrian should offer…
Here is a mail except. We should try
| v s c box |
v := RTView new.
c := v canvas.
s := TRBitmapShape new.
s form: RTIcon roassal.
c addShape: s.
box := (TRBoxShape new)
I found what the bug is in the png export: it does not consider the zoom. Run the script below, then click on the zoom or the fit-to-size button, then export. Zoom again and export again and it will b…
We should have #labeled and not #labelled
From Peter U.:
I'm looking at the implementation of TRSVGPath and I am quite confused
what are polygons?
`computeRectangle`, `computePolygons`, `correctCurvesAndPolygonsToZero`, `sep…
Where `package` is declared?
![screenshot 2017-04-07 13 33 13](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/393742/24809925/d19d2c74-1b96-11e7-8620-36ae375d58be.png)
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1115
In Moose 5.0:
1. In the Roassal Example Browser, select "Animated Scatter Plot"
2. Via the "…" menu
a. export as PNG - the image will be clipped …
The following script does not do what is expected
b := RTMondrian new.
b interaction highlightNeighbour: [ :m | Array with: 2 ].
b node: 1.
b interaction highlightNeighbour: [ :m | Array with…
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1097
Some shapes are using the default stroke and/or the default stroke width, even if the
user sets a borderColor/borderWidth
|v ver circle box poly e…