Hi everyone,
Just wanted to throw an idea out here - would pipetools be a good fit for stream-based/reactive programming? Specifically what I'm thinking of is piping streams of data together, rather …
Using rx either via pip or building the development /master branch results in:
# python
Python 2.7.9 (default, Sep 11 2015, 21:52:46)
[GCC 4.8.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" …
I am finding multiple issues with 1.5.3 (see #133 for other critical issue). When I do this simple operation with two Subscribers on a cold Observable, I only receive emissions for the first one.
I tryed your tutorial for marbles in windows10
"marbles tutorial"
from rx.testing import marbles
xs = Observab…
Example program:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
from rx import Observable
source = Observable.interval(100).take(3).concat(Observable.throw(Exception('BOOM'))).share()
Like RxJS & RxPy, we need a few implementations of Subject. Like `ReplaySubject`, `BehaviorSubject` etc.
import rx
import concurrent.futures
import time
pp = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(3)
def slow_add(a,b):
print(a, "+", b, "=", a + b)
sub = rx.Ob…
The following program illustrates the problem:
import asyncio
import rx
import time
scheduler = rx.concurrency.AsyncIOScheduler()
sub0 = rx.Observable.interval(1000, scheduler=scheduler) \