Would you consider reviewing a pull request to add support for osx styling?
Since the `RPAppDelegate.*` files are mostly boilerplate for the app entry point, couldn't they go into the `Supporting Files` folder, like it's done with the `main.m`?
I really like this controller overall. However there's one fatal performance issue. I'm not sure whether it's the problem of my code or the controller's.
If there's a large number of messages al…
Please add UIAppearance support. iOS 5 and newer support UIAppearance. It's really easy to add. Tack on `UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR` to your properties and it'll just work. You'll have to change some of t…
I'm not sure there's an easy answer to this one, but HockeySDK's update screen seems to override some of the UIAppearance defaults that I'm setting in my app, ending up with all kinds of odd UI happen…
Hi. I was trying to customize the popover appearance but it seems that the proxies are implemented in an internal view not exposed with public API. I'm missing something?
a `setTintColor:nil` message is passed to the refresh control after the storyboard view controller has loaded.
時間の24時間表記のon/off, 言語の日・英切り替えしても変わらず。
It is mainly because some methods in NUI are only available in/after iOS 5. It would be easily fixed by adding some version checks before calling those methods.
Hey... thanks for the cool flat ui implementation. I downloaded the example app and noticed it crashes when building to the iOS 5 simulator.
The Podspec has: `s.ios.deployment_target = '5.0'` so I wa…