My settings for socket works fine in default flutter web, but it throws this error `No transports available` when trying on Webassembly mode. Should I need any extras config for Webassembly?
hnvn updated
2 months ago
That's pretty cool., what you have done so far - great work! Just a quick question: is it for webassembly or server-side blazor (or both)? Thanks a ton!
I need to run WebAssembly codes in J2V8.
Still no support?
If yes, node can I get an example in java?
If not, is there any way around it?
V8 v8 = V8.createV8Runtime();
JavaVoidCallback s…
# Document title, URLs, estimated publication date
WebAssembly Web API
Estimated publication date: ASAP
# Abstract
This document describes the integration …
### Current behavior
Consider below example, GreenCanvas inside the RedCanvas, and I set css style "clip-path" on GreenCanvas : GreenCanvas.SetCssStyle("clip-path", "path('M300,0 500,50 300,100z')"…
Including running of (relevant) tests in Wasm.
Right now we have `WebAssembly.Module.imports` as well as `.exports` and `.customSections`. [API here](https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/JS.md#webassemblymoduleexports).
It would be…
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (19.0.1+10-jvmci-22.3-b08) for linux-amd64 JRE (19.0.1+10-jvmci-22.3-b08), built on 2022-10-19T11:11:18Z by "buildslave" with gcc 11.2.0
**Describe the issue**
Web creators being one of our target audiences, we set the goal:
> Use the same Mun toolchain to build, test, and deploy content to the web using WebAssembly modules.
What is needed to achieve thi…
@steelejoe any chance of WebAssembly support?