It would be great to have access to BETYdb using PostgreSQL Studio with either a) read-only access to bety6 or b) a local 'sandbox' copy.
_For a read only connection_, this is how we have provided …
Over the last year, we have learned that some of the sensors were not collecting data properly or were uncalibrated at specific times.
Is it possible to clearly tag the dates from which the data f…
### Description
There are no trait records in BETYdb with site_id attributes corresponding to associated sites of the MAC Season 3 and MAC Season 4 experiments.
Review issue for the ply2las extractor and output using 3dscanner PLY inputs.
Completion criteria:
* [ ] Code review complete (includes extractor, any functions in terrautils, etc)
* [ ] Sample…
List of data-sets and variables uploaded to betydb that need to be linked with specific methods.
This issue is connected with #61 .
- [x] Method: Harvest yield estimates Maricopa sorghum season…
* [x] Update `test_structure.sql` to match `production_structure.sql`.
* [ ] Put a note in the documentation for upgrading the canonical (EBI) BETYdb Rails site that both `production_structure.sql` a…
(from anonymous user)
Yesterday in our local TERRA REF meeting the question arose as to how to document the calculations used to obtain plot-level yield data or any other data where intermediate ca…
I've added all plots through the current season At Maricopa
This means that extractors should be able to query terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu/bety/api/beta/experiments
Ideally extractors can now qu…
This page seems to confound geospatial information and sensor metadata:
needs to be separated, and ai…
@NewcombMaria please provide a list of the field measurements that are ready to be added to BETYdb (have a date column and are arranged in 'long' format with one measurement per row.
* Season 1 (#4…