Here are some ideas and potential areas of research for Tensort:
- Model analysis and interpretability: Develop new techniques for analyzing and understanding what large language models have learned …
clinical_reports.php does not function, the provided date range does not restrict the data. If you select a facility it produces no data but if you select All Facilities it will produce data.
Similar to #939
It would be great to have further risks calculated.
Example input data
As an example in the province of Ontario in Canada https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data
It would be great to have a prefab that would allow gathering demographic (age, sex etc) and other information at the beginning of the experiment. It would be saved along with the experiment results.
I'm trying to use DicomCleaner, I do my detect, followed by the clean and save, however, I get the below error message which appears to be coming from pydicom, not sure if this issue should go under t…
Noticed that that pie chart legends stated 20-25 and 25-30, am not sure where does the 25 year old go under which color. As a user I am confused under which section(color) with the 25 year old fall un…
Example table:
## Demographic Data for top 200 2000 20000 lineups
Peyton Manning: 35.50% 25% 20%
Aaron Rodgers: 1.00% 3% 10%
Russell Wilson: 0.50% 1% 2%
Your Project Desc:
Using my company's real estate listings data/history for San Francisco and East Bay, attempt to define 'neighborhoods' in terms of similar-price clusters. Augment this with text min…
### Prerequisites
* [ X] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:
* Checked the online documentation: https://mimic.mit.edu/
* Checked that your i…
I've spent a bit of time refactoring, reverting & re-refactoring this because it's .. complex I guess.
When we create families at random we want to know for example how many children they can have,…