The link to the issues on http://frab.github.com/frab points to https://github.com/oneiros/frab/issues/new, which does not exist.
Presumably this is due to the email sending - it works fine when clicking accept without email.
This is a test base install, nothing fancy configured.
NoMethodError in EventsController#update_st…
Jonty updated
10 years ago
The schedule version number of the HTML export is "Version 0.1" independent of the version set in the schedule settings.
something like:
- jsunconf 2014
- froscon
- eurucamp sessions (sessions.railscamp.de)
In the profiles of the persons is the speaker field is a filed gender. There should be an option to remove this field from person profiles.
I have got a report from a submitter, which unfortunately I cannot reproduce myself:
The submitter cannot set his availability, because the "Save availability" button on the page is not visible or mi…
fread updated
10 years ago
Another migration bug:
== AddSpeakerCounter: migrating ==============================================
-- add_column(:events, :speaker_count, :integer, {:default=>0})
-> 0.0537s
rake aborted!
An e…
tias updated
10 years ago
If you upload a file to an event without specifying the title, frab does not perform the necessary sanity checks and, especially, doesn't convert the file name to a title in this case. The end result …
towo updated
10 years ago
The JSON Export produces invalid JSON if _"_ is in a String.
It is escaped to _\"_ which is invalid JSON
a \ Character is ony allowed with the following Characters after it:
- \"
- \
- \/
It would be nice to have the ability to set the location where recodings of the event will be published. This would allow application that generate some views out of the frab output to find the record…