**System Information (please complete the following information):**
- OS & Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
- ML.NET Version: ML.NET 2.0.1
- AutoML version: AutoML 0.20.1
- .NET Version: .NE…
1. Собрать VisualPascalABCNET из исходного кода (коммит `c1c9225bddd1e20824def07712143f46e6bf5d0e`).
2. Создать новый проект.
3. Добавить ссылку на NuGet-пакет **Microsoft.ML**.
4. Написать в редак…
您好,我将12个维度的流量数据分别用Timesformer进行预测,由于数据只有2000个样本,所以选择的参数是 --seq_len 20,--pred_len 1. --d_model 512 --d_ff1024 .但12个维度有2个明显不准确。随后我将不准确的两个用户删去后输入10维的数据,结果有3个维度不准确。这些不同维度的流量数据是同一个模拟器生成的,流量规律是相似的,请问为什么会出现这…
ML (2.0.1)
ML.AutoML (0.20.1)
**Describe the bug**
The AutoMl experiment never finishes, just keeps running. No error output. Works fine when running as Binary Classification but now need Multic…
**System Information (please complete the following information):**
- Model Builder Version 2.0.0
- Visual Studio Version 2022 community
**Describe the bug**
start multiclass classification
**System Information (please complete the following information):**
- OS & Version: Windows 10
- ML.NET Version: ML.NET 2.0.1
- .NET Version: .NET Framework 4.8.04084, .NET 7.0
**Describe the…
Hi Federico!
I'm using your scanner and seems amazing! Thanks for your work.
I'm in a situation in which only the payload "Apache Commons Collections 3 Alternate payload 2" (added in commit: 4a29c…
@radimitrov Because I started a net maui ML.NET project (and while developing I tested more time), but at a point it throw this exception:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception h…
**System Information (please complete the following information):**
- OS & Version: Windows 10
- ML.NET Version: ML.NET v2.0.1
- AutomL Version: ML.NET v0.20.1
- .NET Version: .NET 6.0
**System Information (please complete the following information):**
- Model Builder Version (available in Manage Extensions dialog):