On Mint 13 (which is basically Ubuntu 12.04), I installed `mono-xbuild mono-devel mono-gmcs` and `opencl-headers`. Built fine, loads of warnings but no errors, running with no options gives the usage …
Depends On: Qt
Trying to get this to run on my system, I always get this error. I've tried using different WorkGroupSizes on commandline, but makes no difference.
Using CPU (-d=2) works, but is slow (obviously).
After a song ends, pianobar pauses. If I press p, it loads and plays the next song. The same behaviour can be found by skipping in the middle of a song -- the time remaining display ("# -03:22/04:14…
Python のスクリプトを編集中、gco を使うと以下のようなエラーが出ました。
[Vim(let):E121: Undefined variable: dummy]::[function caw#keymapping_stub..98_caw_jump_comment_