Cascade 5 introduces a concept which it currently "cascade layers", in communications this frequently becomes just "layers". Myself (and I think a few others) suggested at one point that it would be …
Is https://maps4html.org/MapML/spec/#glossary redundant now that ReSpec generates an [Index of terms](https://maps4html.org/MapML/spec/#index)? Or is a stand-alone glossary still valuable? e.g. for OG…
## Expected behavior and actual behavior.
I'd expect sudo ./configure can prepare gdal-3.3.0 for installation correctly, but it can not find many driver
after installation when I did try for i…
Could we use this definition:
`proj4.defs("ESRI:53032","+proj=aeqd +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +no_defs");`
and [these resolutions / scales](https://geoappext…
The handler should generate a point at the click location. It generates a point, but it seems to be far from the click location.
https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/master/doc/en/user/source/community/mapml/index.rst refers to the old bower component and the `` built-in, can this be updated to use mapml-viewer instead?
I see in [this](http://geo.rerum.io/geolocate/mapML-view.html) map that the old Leaflet markers are still showing up, despite that it is using the latest version of mapml-viewer from there (I updated …
In a HTML page that contains an ``reference``, the browser could:
- scroll to the map
- zoomTo the layer extent
In a MapML document that contains a ``reference``, the map viewer could:
- zoo…
Hi there, we (the [Maps for HTML CG](https://www.w3.org/community/maps4html/)) want to share our ideas with the WHATWG community, and it has been suggested that opening an issue here might help facil…
Similar to vector feature layers, it should be possible to map a coverage "band", or a concatenation of coverage bands to the `` that is emitted when querying the coverage. Otherwise, coverage data h…