Hello! I've gotten into reading The Reasoned Schemer and was excited to look up miniKanren. However, I see no license here, which seems to mean that the miniKanren implementation is proprietary?
I read recently that Chas has deprecated the crossovers support in the lein plugin.
The suggested technique is to use cljx in order to support clojurescript.
I can make the mods but would want to do…
I am asking this because in
causes an error in vicare:
vicare> (load "mkprelude.scm")
Unhandled exception
We need cons support to be called a Lisp.
Here's an idea of implementation.
1. Build a new `hy.model.cons.HyCons` class that is a list of only 2 elements
2. Add a `@builds(cons)` into `compiler.py` t…
TAPL uses set-theoretic operations extensively. Although these can be implemented in core miniKanren, the operations will be extremely inefficient. This is a perfect opportunity to use constraints, …
Will has a cool idea based on failing when backtracking that would let us log something to help point out where the typechecking went wrong.
This is partially implemented (prints out a backtrace in v…
So we can do trees and linked lists.
eholk updated
11 years ago
I'm trying to work through the tutorials using beta1 of clojure 1.3.
(ns logic.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [reify == inc])
(:use [clojure.core.logic minikanren prelude]))
logic.core=> (defrel …
A set of parenthesis is missing in "user=> (require 'clojure.core.logic.minikanren)". Apparently only applies to the Slime REPL.
maacl updated
13 years ago