Dear IRuby maintainer team,
I ran into a minor issue (annoyance, does not seem to actually impact functionality) with using Gnuplot.
The issue:
Gnuplot will correctly render the graph and inser…
Xasin updated
2 years ago
BPO | [1281383](https://bugs.python.org/issue1281383)
--- | :---
Nosy | @birkenfeld, @rhettinger, @terryjreedy, @josiahcarlson
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was mi…
BPO | [1281556](https://bugs.python.org/issue1281556)
--- | :---
Nosy | @rhettinger
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current st…
## The issue:
I am trying to substract rB from rA, but I'm having an issue with the scales.
The cipherTextSxy was previously relinearized and rescaled in other steps of the code.
I have already tri…
After a long way resolving dependency issues:
(py3) C:\Users\rodri\Workspace\captcha-breaker>python src\create_train_data.py
### Describe the problem as clearly as you can
Attempting to update `sorbet-static` on my M1 Mac is producing an error that compatible versions cannot be found. Attempting to install it after upd…
I want to report the issue I encounter while doing the convergence basis test. While increasing the basis set( j1 or j2 parameter in the input), hibridon generated energy levels with no physi…
Hey, it looks like `median` always returns integers for integer types, even when the true median is not an integer.
require "numo/narray"
p Numo::NArray.cast([1.0, 2]).median # 1.5 - go…
Trying to reshape to a 0-dimensional array raises `ArgumentError: No argrument` (with a small typo)
require "numo/narray"
x = Numo::NArray.cast([1])
p x.ndim
x2 = x.reshape # fails
- always/per default (performance?)
- on demand/flag in configuration
-> not in service code (as it is now)