I would like to contribute to this package, but I don't have Qualtrics API access through my employer right now.
Would it be possible to label issues accordingly so that those without API access be…
We have a R script that we use to download English Language surveys. We also have a Japanese language version of the same survey with a different surveyid. The qualtRics "get survey" works perfectly…
I've been using getSurvey successfully for awhile on Research Core surveys, but for some reason it's not working for me on the survey for my EX project. What's weird is that I'm both getting a 404 err…
Dear Author of the package,
I followed the tutorial at https://quantdev.ssri.psu.edu/tutorials/using-qualtrics-and-boxr-r-packages
to set API TOKEN and root_url info for authorization for downloadi…
Thanks for this very useful code. Nicely done.
Question: how would I pipe in a text response from a previous Qualtrics question as a parameter for the location shown in the initial map? For exam…
### 系统版本
Openwrt X86_64原版18.06,5
### 内核版本
### 客户端版本
### 问题描述
"服务器&策略组"标签页下自定义策略组后, Clash无法正常启动
### 问题产生过程
1. 开启一键生成, 导入已有的ConnectHua的策略组之后, 关闭一键生成功能, 并保持…
# Project name
Vert.x AWS SDK. Or Reactive AWS SDK.
Coordinates could be like : `io.reactiverse:aws-sdk:1.0.0`
# Project goal
Since AWS SDK has been published in version 2.0, it embraces t…
Hi, I wanted to share a list of CNAMEs (or rather just substrings), seen for sub-domains from public BBPs/VDPs on various platforms that might indicate a takeover-able sub-domain. I created the list a…
Hello! I`ve been trying your code and it does not work for me. The map never showed up, I`m not sure if I am making a mistake. Or I am missing something else.
**URL**: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?redirect_uri=storagerelay://https/www.fandango.com?id=auth575152
**Browser / Version**: Firefox Mobile 68.0
**Operating System**: Android