The elastic zoom does not work. When trying to zoom a portion, it actually zoom a tiny part of the
| v |
v := RTGrapherDecorationExample new exampleDeviation.
v @ RTZoomableBoxView.
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 896
For any visualisation that is larger than the screen, you immediately get lost in Roassal.
Furthermore, the current dragging style does not scale fo…
(machine m
(var top := [0])
(state one
(machine nest
(var in := [0])
(state none (onentry [in := in + 1])))
(onentry (spawn nest none))
What steps will reproduce the problem?
(machine blah
(state foo
(machine inner
(state bleh)
(onentry (spawn inner bleh))
(state bar)
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1113
Pharo image: Pharo4.0#40555
Virtual machine used: NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-HolgerHansPeterFreyther.21
uuid: e0df6e2d-5694-40e2-8035-dc…
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1029
Ubuntu 13.10
MooseSuite 4.9
Go to Browse - In Roassal Easel - eg - Adding Name - hover with mouse around the tree
* Type-Defect
Reported by…
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 858
I needed a diamond line end symbol to represent aggregation in a UML diagram, so here
it is attached.
Name: Roassal-BenComan.364
Ancestors: Roassal…
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 849
As a new feature for Roassal, I would like to be able to interactively drag what I term
a rubberband (you may have a better one?) from one element t…
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1089
We have a first draft of RTPNGExporter, but the problem is that it provides only the
visible part of the morph.
The problem is here:
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 872
ROExample>>rubberBandOn: currently has the line...
rawView add: (newEdgeRaw + ROLine).
While this is fine in the ROExample script, in my appli…