Test case:
lambda x: x
The following program illustrates the problem:
import asyncio
import rx
import time
scheduler = rx.concurrency.AsyncIOScheduler()
sub0 = rx.Observable.interval(1000, scheduler=scheduler) \
I am having problems using the Observable.interval() function on my computer. Below there are the results of me using the function:
from rx import Observable
How can I support subscriptions using graphene?
I mean, I'm probably just not getting it. Looking at RxJava documentation and `test_replaysubject.py` I'm trying to make a network of Observables that runs in a predictable, deterministic way. (This m…
Is `combine_latest` supposed to work with subjects? Whenever I try to subscribe to the combined stream, the interpreter freezees because rx requests a lock.
``` python
s1 = rx.subjects.BehaviorSubjec…
I'm going to add some additional blocking operators to the BlockingObservable later, particularly`first()`, `first_or_default()`,, and `last()`
Hey man, finally I have an actual issue :-)
One of my problems was that on_error_resume_next takes an Observable(or more) as parameter, instead of a function that takes an Exception and returns an Ob…
The following program illustrates the problem:
import rx
import asyncio
# Bug is with the AsyncIO scheduler
scheduler = rx.concurrency.AsyncIOScheduler()
# Works with the default scheduler (time…
The following code ...
xs = Observable.range(0, 3).to_list()
... prints ...
> [0 1 2]
> [0 0 1 2]
... but should print ...
> [0 1 2]
> …