### What to contribute--
_**Any beginner who wants to create their first PR. they can work on README.md file for this project. And design the same according to Full-stack Project with Flight Manageme…
Just what the title says.
I want to post issues for github.com on github.com, and discuss them with other github users, so that's why this repo exists. But it shouldn't exist. Github should take th…
# Bug report
**Please note we will close your issue without comment if you delete, do not read or do not fill out the issue checklist below and provide ALL the requested information. If you repeate…
Hey, I thought I'll request another feature, maybe you want to think about it.
In airline I use `let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1` to show the buffers and tabs that are open at the top.
Скласти список всіх (важливих) життєвих подій, визначних дат, досягнень, періодів, що дали приємний і неприємний досвід, тощо. В цьому конкретному випадку довгих списків не буває, натомість бувають по…
I am using Plug to do my plugin loading/management.
It has a on demand capability.
So for example for NrrwRgn I have:
Plug 'chrisbra/NrrwRgn', {'on': ['NR', …
Hello everyone,
I met an issue with Cassandra4.0 beta4 with ssl enabled(client_encryption_options)and tried many method but can not fix it. Please see the system log and my cassandra.yaml.
Скласти список всіх (важливих) життєвих подій, визначних дат, досягнень, періодів, що дали приємний і неприємний досвід, тощо. В цьому конкретному випадку довгих списків не буває, натомість бувають по…
Cassandra units occasionally faily to get Cassandra up and running after the application joins a `prometheus_scrape` relation.
Juju status:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version …
This comes from the email thread announcing "Tracking user interaction telemetry in Kibana" where I shared some ideas starting in a conversation from John Allspaw around dealing with Human Factors in …