Another recommendation that I would like to make is to use the `` element instead of `` when using video.
Loved the organized code structure here in your Colmar Academy project. Everything looks awesome and well structured!
With the exception of this lonely closing "div".
Seen here: https://github.com/Comicmaniac/colmar_academy/blob/631f6a3c94e371cfc59f2003d35b96548aacdea5/resources/css/style.css#L8
Great color scheme throughout the page! It's a very nice set of ima…
Seen here: https://github.com/Comicmaniac/colmar_academy/blob/631f6a3c94e371cfc59f2003d35b96548aacdea5/index.html#L11
Since body has a default margin of 8px, I recommend setting this to 0 so that y…
Nice job including the viewport meta tag so that you can fully control the viewport's size and sca…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Seen here: https://github.com/Comicmaniac/colmar_academy/blob/631f6a3c94e371cfc59f2003d35b96548aacdea5/index.html#L161-L163
Nice job adding a autoplay to your video element! I recommend also adding…
Nice job including your website's assets (in this case images) in your project and providing a re…
ghost updated
6 years ago
You're missing several opportunities to make your markup more semantic by using tags like `he…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Make sure to give _all_ of your `img` tags an `alt` attribute with a value that adequately de…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Project name: Colmar Academy
GRADE: Meets Expectations
SUMMARY: Great job on this project! The site itself looks great and you've done an excellent job keeping both your project folder and your HT…