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sys.platform linux
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49) [GCC 7.3.0]
paddle版本:paddle develop分支 pull https://github.com/guoshengCS/Paddle/tree/fix-gru-doc 之后在nvidia-docker中编译的
How long do you need to train your data? Why do I need a long time to train with my own data? It still takes me about a week to train the model once with three 1080ti GPUs.
SealQ updated
5 years ago
碰到了一个很奇怪的事情,字典内容相同,把数字分别放在中文前面和中文后面,效果完全不同。当数字放在中文后面,然后训练,数字识别率为0,当数字放在中文前面,数字能被识别出来。求大佬解惑。 @Holmeyoung
yue@yue-Vostro-3668:~/crnn_chinese_characters_rec$ cd warp-ctc/pytorch_binding
yue@yue-Vostro-3668:~/crnn_chinese_characters_rec/warp-ctc/pytorch_binding$ python setup.py install
Torch was not built…
Thanks for your great work , it does work.
However, in practice, to handle very long text (train set has no such long samples) in inference phase, we often train a model keeping the ratio and paddi…
Hi @githubharald , thanks for you project. I have some question about the mat fed into the tf session. I am training crnn+ctc model. For example, for an image which represents for text "x181208022". B…
I tried to train ICDAR 2015 and SVHN (as "mydataset") and for both datasets network quickly starts to predict all blanks (which is rather typical for CRNN), but the loss (especially CTC) doesn't impro…
Dear @ayumiymk,
Thank you for this repo,
In inference time, the script prints out the accuracy, so I want it to print out also the actual predicted sequence. Is it stored in `lib/evaluators.py` `pre…
Detailed error description::
Traceback (most recent call last): …