z>2 Lyman-break galaxies are likely to be QSO contaminants so we should develop and include appropriate templates for this class of objects. My instinct is that the ELG templates may be sufficient bu…
[ă] nu returnează niciun rezultat. Se întâmplă din cauză că motorul de expresii regulate al lui MySQL (Percona) interpretează _ă_ ca două caractere, nu ca un caracter multibiyte.
Soluția este să înlo…
Immediately after install the latest version of Anaconda on my Windows 10 desktop, I created a Python 3.9 environment and installed Glue into that environment according to the instructions on the webs…
Komponente: novi-korisnik.js i register.js
Commit ID: 896350b
Opis problema: Ukoliko unesemo isti username prilikom registracije dva korisnika uspješno ćemo se registrovati što ne bi trebalo …
Add options to filter by target bits while coadding, e.g. to produce separate coadd files for QSO targets vs. LRG targets. Syntax would be something like:
desi_coadd_spectra \
Testing http://desi-1.kpno.noao.edu:9090 using code from desispec #702 (now tag 0.25.0) and qlf #253, mostly looking at Observing History window and drill-downs.
From the QLF trend plots, it appear…
Testing http://desi-1.kpno.noao.edu:9090 using code from desispec #702 (now tag 0.25.0) and qlf #253, mostly looking at Observing History window and drill-downs.
This might be a problem with the QL…
Moguce solucije:
- [ ] Pomeriti kreiranje steka iz sistemskog poziva u konstruktor klase _thread. Time se izbegava prosledjivanje steka kroz t1 registar. Kreiranje steka ce se izvrsavati u sistemskom…
Anand and Eddie found that there are exposures missing in the `exposures-daily.csv` that do have raw data available at NERSC:
Anand found …
When looking how redrock performs on ELG+LRG truth table from eBOSS we observe a small systematic redshift difference of around 10 km/s.
Obviously it is not that important but it would be nice to kno…