- *Jib version:* 3.3.1
- *Build tool:* maven
- *OS:* macOS
**Description of the issue**:
jib:build failed with 401, but jib:dockerBuild works.
**Expected behavior**:…
- *Jib version:* 3.4.0
- *Build tool:* Gradle 8.5 RC2 using kotlin script
- *OS:* Windows 11
**Description of the issue**:
When we are using the convention to utilize the…
This might be more of a discussion. I want to enable jmx metrics if I set env var JMX_PORT during docker run. So I m using your image as base and installing confluent connector jars and then d…
Sorry that perhaps this is not the place to write.
I have a question, I couldn’t find information on it in the faq.
I'm using spring boot + proguard + jib.
I was able to get my jar to l…
[Ubuntu build log](https://fusion2.corp.google.com/invocations/8d6eb7ee-39ac-4739-96f4-950fe1091a63/targets/jib%2Fgcp_ubuntu%2Fcontinuous/log)
[MacOS build log](https://fusion2.corp.google.com/invoca…
- *Jib version: 3.4.0*
- *Build tool: Maven 3.8.6*
- *OS: Mac (Apple Silicon)*
**Description of the issue**: I updated the docker version to 25.0.2 in my local system. With …
- *Jib version:* 3.4.0
- *Build tool:* Maven 3.5.4
- *OS:* Linux
**Description of the issue**:
Jib error on Docker 25.0.0. with `docker://eclipse-temurin:8-jre`:
In docker image built via `gradle jib -Pdocker=docker.example.com`:
2021-02-12 08:43:56.466 | WARN | igApplicationContext | Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling re…
### What happened?
When Camel K is run on arm64 architecture the user needs to use a different base image for integrations (e.g. `--base-image=arm64v8/eclipse-temurin:17`).
When the Camel K oper…
* https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/maven-plugin/reference/htmlsingle/#build-image
* https://spring.io/guides/topicals/spring-boot-docker/
* https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-docker-i…