Hi @thkl,
mir fällt auf dass, mit der aktuellen NPM-Beta **0.1.2**, keine Daten oder nur sporadisch von meinem Wettersensor aktualisiert werden.
Alle Werte werden nur bei Homebridge Neustart akt…
Hi Erik,
I just made the update from homebridge-hue@0.11.3 to 0.11.5. The result is the error below preventing the homebridge to start completely. The start process continues normally after the err…
Ich habe die Homebridge mit Homematic PlugIn laufen und mittlerweile auch 6 Fensterkontakte, einen Außensensor und eine Steckdose am Laufen. (Nachdem ich gelernt habe, dass ich sie der Subsection 'Hom…
ich habe das Problem festgestellt, dass die Funk-Wandthermostate HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU und HM-CC-TC die Einstellungen via HomeKit erst nach mehrmaligem Ausführen annehmen. Ich habe z. B. Szenen f…
Whilst the Eve app is one of the best Homekit apps around, I was wondering whether it is possible to access the history data for Eve devices from outside the app? If the app can pull the data from sa…
I really like your lib and the timer handling.
In my setup, sensor data are received via MQTT every ~50-70 seconds. I call your `addEntry` function every time when new data are received, so that…
cf., https://github.com/homespun/homebridge-accessory-bandwidth-quality/blob/master/index.js#L175
i am trying to determine why my plugin isn't generating entries that are acceptable to the elgato e…
I'm pretty new to all this, so it might be a dumb question: I know that there is a service type called "TemperatureSensor". How do I set this up with homebridge-knx?
Any configurations samples?
Kudos to your plugin. Would it be possible to implement "Sprinker" as an accessory?
I noticed that you released a storage option about 7 months ago but I am not sure how to implement this option. Can you update the readme or maybe I missed how this is implemented somewhere else ?