Hi, thanks for your great job!
Could you share the scripts about generating the keypoint, densepose and foreground segmentation of the human?
It could be helpful if you share more guidance about det…
### Checklist
- [X] This is a plugin issue and not a different kind of issue
- [X] [I have read the contribution guidelines](https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#co…
网易大神 评论,个人主页
domain, god.gameyw.netease.com
虎牙 个人主页(子域名太多了,漏了就显示真实)
domain-suffix, huya.com
Platform = "twitch"
RoomID = "????"
StreamerName = "Dakillzor"
# 选择全局默认上传插件,Noop为不上传,但会执行后处理,可选bili_web,biliup-rs
uploader = "Noop"
# b站上传线路选择,默认为自动模式,目前可手动切换为bda2, kodo, ws, qn, cos, cos-internal(支持腾讯云内网免流+提速)
lines = "AUTO"
# 单文件并发上传数,未达到带宽上限时增大此值可提高上传…
wzgrx updated
2 years ago
Need detect `Reinit context` message and restart recorder thread due to the stream's resolution change.
hldh214@DESKTOP-N2TM6A2 MINGW64 ~/Videos
$ ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -y -hide_banner -i …
> Note: Before asking a question, please read the FAQ (Please read FAQ before filing an issue) https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/2716
> Please describe the issue you encountered …
拿到虎牙直播流之后, Mac端的iina播放器可以播放, 无异常.
SJVideoPlayer无法播放, 报错如下
2022-05-17 14:01:52.849719+0800 HuyaData[51525:326184] 选取2000p, 播放地址为:https://hw.flv.huya.com/src/367138…