We find that `Void` (the top of the hierarchy) is not adequatly named, since it conveys the idea that it can only point to nothing.
Similarly we find that `Bottom` (the subclass of every type) is con…
Put the book on the arXiv.
Phrases such as "Paulin-Mohring induction principle for paths" and "Martin-L\"of induction principle for identity types" sound like arcane jargon, because of the presence of the names, and overemphasi…
The presentation of type theory in A.1 (of Peter and Thierry) does not mention univalence, definitional eta, or higher inductive types.
What is the corresponding statement for natural numbers?
I find myself doing `myvec[vec::len(myvec)-1u]` because the alternatives are `check vec::is_not_empty(myvec); vec::last_total(myvec);` and `alt vec::last(myvec) { some(e) { e } _ { fail "..."; } }`, b…