I tried to boot with the latest (2b76cfc) start4.elf and fixup4.dat files on Pi4 (8GB), but instead I got seven ACT LED flashes (kernel.img not found). The boot is OK with the previous commit 9d4f640.…
During review of [ADS1x15 PR #19](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ADS1x15/pull/19), I was comparing docstrings/RTD and noticed that the API doesn't render for MCP3xxx. `docs/api.rst…
According to the MCP3008 datasheet, a proper way to calculate the differential value of Pin 7 should be Pin 7 value - Pin 6 value. (Table 5-2, page 19 in https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/MCP30…
Is there a section for the Coral-enviromental-sensor-board
In GitLab by @yshimmyo on Jul 24, 2019, 08:59
# 概要
# 再現手順
639264e763213715e331a1893b82cb6d6cace877 05/anain.hspにて、`hsp3dish.as`と`rpz-gpio.as`を両方includeするとspigetの結果が-2になる。hsp3dish.asをコメン…
There's now a HAL published on crates.io: [`embedded-hal`][] ([Introduction blog post][brave-new-io]). :tada:
[`embedded-hal`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-hal/0.1.0/embedded_hal/
[brave-new-io]: htt…
After a basic install of the test branch of PiVPN I ran `pivpn -d` and received the following errors during self check.
`:::: Self check ::::`
When I try to use SPI the following error emerge:
"Unable to open SPI device: No such file or directory"
Any idea on this?
pigs commands are sorted alphabetically, not grouped by function. This can mean that get and set are separated by a long way in the list.
Is there a repo for the docs that I can submit a PR?