In the case of rasters, perhaps we would want to make a `utils.gridded_export` that takes the `site_mask` and a list of `rasters`, and warps them into an all-no-data file (created from the site mask),…
File "/Users/celine/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/NSC/3D Vision/Event-Based-Camera-Simultaneous-Mosaicing-and-Tracking/Tracking_Particle_Filter/tracking.py", line 408, in
Flux scales are drifting pretty seriously in DR2 (as noted in #55).
Quality pipeline runs on the 183 v2.1 reprocessed datasets we have so far show that the median ratio of LOFAR to TGSS fluxes for …
The quality pipeline 'scale' now gives a scaling derived from aligning pixels in neighbouring pointings (https://github.com/mhardcastle/ddf-pipeline/issues/171). Mosaic_pointing.py now takes an extra …
I just discovered VIPS, evaluating it for a project which requires creating mosaics. As I had just jumped right into the mosaic documentation, and don't have prior experience with VIPS, I was confuse…
1. rename the catart-simple patches into tutorials
2. create 3 catart-simple patches:
2a. basic xy control
2b. live analysis (mosaicing)
2c. live recording
3. create targeted transposition and tr…
Turned up at a generic test of the pipeline using a version of Jenkinsfile.sh and test data set 1477074305.subset.ms. Suggest to test the pipeline with a really fresh virtualenv or at least taking car…
Author Name: **Daniel Araujo Miranda** (@mirandadam)
Original Redmine Issue: [8519](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/8519)
Affected QGIS version: master
Redmine category:gdal_tools
Problem stateme…
I downloaded and processed some scenes from MOD13Q1. While visually exploring the results in ArcGIS, I noticed that MODIStsp outputs seemed to be slightly shifted to the to east and to the south compa…
Author Name: **Paolo Cavallini** (@pcav)
Original Redmine Issue: [15749](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/15749)
Affected QGIS version: 2.18.0
Redmine category:processing/gdal
Assignee: Giovanni Manghi