I've been using a QuadHD tuner on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for about 1.5 years as a tuner in a MythTV backed.
I recently had a mobo die so I put in another old mobo and installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu 20.…
- Debian Jessie on Raspberry PI2
since with every reboot of raspbian (belive it is the same with other UNIX systems) the USB port assignments are jepardized if several serial devices are attac…
Some printers' boards, such as for instance the Creality Ender 2, don't have RX/TX GPIOs for serial communication, which means this project cannot be used with them. As these are mostly inexpensive pr…
There doesn't seem to be a way to identify `reg` type in UHDM model. The type is modeled as `logic_typespec` but there's nothing in the model to differentiate it with regular `logic` type.
Hi Chris,
Could you make a build for Wemos D1 with EthernetClient instead of WifiManager?
There is Wemos D1 R2 (compatible with Mini; I'm already using R2 as MiLight Hub and it is more stable th…
Hello after a successful install on Raspberry Pi 3 with pifiberry DAC+, I tried yesterday to install it on a Volumio fresh install on Raspberry pi Zero W with USB audio dongle.
First, I disabled th…
The [schematics](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/schematics/rpi_SCH_4b_4p0_reduced.pdf) (accessed 2021-06-17) have not been updated for the [new ](https://hackaday.com/…
I am using Numaker-etm-m487 evaluation board, and I get this.
> sudo openocd -f eclipse/OpenOCD/scripts/interface/nulink.cfg -f eclipse/OpenOCD/scripts/target/numicroM4.cfg
Open On-Chip Debug…
Hi All,
You are my last chance, I spend days to resolve that.
I put this board into my old 3D( Malyan M180). I wired all the connections. However, I fail on Z Endstop. He don’t want to work.
The ot…
Esla2 updated
3 years ago