I just followed install.md to build picongpu.
As configuring case001 the terminal showed that:
cmake command: cmake -DCUDA_ARCH=sm_20 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/lai/paramSets/case001 -DPIC_EXTEN…
This was brought up by @ranocha. These methods are good for discretizations of hyperbolic PDEs.
According to Mai Anh, we can't execute a Kendrick model like this:
model := KEModel new population: (KEPopulation size: 27500).
model attributes: {#status->#(#S #E #I #R)}.
It would be nice to have a type for 2nd order ODEs
u'' = f(t,y)
for things like Runge-Kutta-Nystrom methods. I know there are a bunch of methods which are specifically designed for the…
Reading how [`ContinuousDS(prob::ODEProblem)` w/o Jacobian](https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/DynamicalSystemsBase.jl/blob/6a2698981f621b28ba4be0fe4aa4fa08e669ceb5/src/continuous.jl#L110):
Should add these new methods to the docs.
I just came from a meeting where I met a mathematics professor who specializes in ODE's. When I showed him FOODiE, he commented that the algorithms are not state-of-the-art and that he would not use …
As discussed in https://github.com/JuliaDiffEq/Roadmap/issues/5, we have set out for the DAE types something like `DAEProblem` for ODEs defined by an implicit function `f(t,u,du,resid)` where `resid` …
Matlab’s ODE solvers allow you to specify a vector of relative tolerance values, and after a lot of digging it doesn’t seem to be possible to do that with odeint. Is this a feature that could be added…
Hi all,
implementing the Burgers' test, I faced with some problems with operators overloading.
Let us consider [type_integrand](https://github.com/Fortran-FOSS-Programmers/FOODiE/blob/master/src/li…