Make sure that, e.g., lists and maps satisfy the declared type, recursively.
Based on the design from #44
A library to be included with each contract, to avoid duplication. Involves the following data types:
* Booleans
* Hashes
* Integers
* Natural numbers
* Lists
* Maps
Describe the interfaces…
Similar in spirit to #70 and #72 , `scilla-checker` (#70) can generate list of transition, their parameters, mutable and immutable state variables. This is useful to JavaScript code.
On success: Ge…
Where can I find "how to get started" with smart contract development?
Add built-ins for
- `uint_to_nat` (`UintX -> Nat`)
- `int_to_nat` (`IntX -> Option Nat`).
The new executable should just take a Scilla source as input and run the parser on it, emitting any syntax errors (line number / column). This can be used by the JavaScript layer to provide helpful er…
Support below command line:
./scilla-runner -init init.json -istate input_state.json -iblockchain input_blockchain.json -imessage input_message.json -o output.json -i input.scilla
All arguments …
Support integer conversions. Since we don’t really have type-level functions or type-class based polymorphism to support multiple input types, let’s make several specialized functions.
Primitive recursion for the following natively supported data types:
* Lists
* Nats