在使用 druid-spring-boot-starter 的时候,是需要显示调用 database.init()吗? ,在spring项目中集成druid的时候,xml中可以指定init-method 和 destory-method
I followed the configuration instructions at https://apitable.getoutline.com/s/751b142b-866f-4174-a5f1-a2975f85ad41/doc/developer-quick-start-zofpBpXg9A on my m1 MacBook and configured it. Despite the…
Using bucket4j starter with spring boot version 2.7.15 and Java 17 (openJdk) along with redis (redisson-spring-boot-starter ver 3.23.2)
getting an error when trying to do : `bucket.tryConsumeAsMuchAs…
org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@10272bbb: startup date [Fri Jun 15 19:41:46 SGT 2018]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.Annotation…
Recent Docker versions (17.04 CE Edge onwards) [add additional flags to the `-v` option for `docker run`][flags] that make it possible to specify the consistency requirements for a bind-mounted direct…
接口第一个方法可以被缓存未使用SpEL表达式,第二个使用SpEL表达式方法的返回结果没有被缓存到redis,为什么使用表达式的方式没有被缓存,请各位大佬指点 谢谢!
- https://github.com/seokjun7410/hoding/issues/1#issue-1990096423
CHAPTER 3 스프링 데이터를 사용한 데이터베이스 접근 83
3.1 스프링 데이터 소개 83
__3.1.1 왜 스프링 데이터인가? 84
__3.1.2 스프링 데이터 모듈 85
3.2 스프링 부트 애플리케이션 데이터베이스 연동…
## version seata1.5.2, nacos 2.1.0
My service can start normally, and during the process of submitting transactions, the xid can always be seen. When calling another service, the xid did indeed pass …
Module: camellia-redis-proxy
Version: 1.2.14
Hi there,
I just wanted to say thanks so much for the dev work to bring this proxy and I have a question, I wonder if there is anything wr…
### Motivation
Why is this feature required? What problems does it solve?
### Proposed solution
An ideal solution for the above problems.
### Additional context
Add any other context, s…