Submitted by: @pcisar
Votes: 21
SFID: 807963#⁠
Submitted By: pcisar
Support constants to be stored within the database using the syntax:CREATE CONSTANT \{ObjectName\} \{Datatype\} AS \{Va…
Write a proptest to ensure that for all select statements, converting them to a string (using either dialect) and then re-parsing results in the same statement. This is important once we're storing st…
## Enhancement
### Summary:
I would like to request a feature enhancement for StarRocks. Specifically, I propose the addition of a capability in the ALTER TABLE and ROUTINE LOAD statements that woul…
As reported on the user group by @niwinz:
I found a very strange cast to character varying in UPDATE statement when setting a field to NULL with postgresql dialect. When a default or mysql diale…
Hi again,
I've been reading that X-Ray has a dedicated set of annotation fields for tracing SQL:
Set up the MySQL database and create basic tables for core entities (users, courses, enrollments). Provide sample seed data to help with early testing and early integration with the frontend.
It'd be nice that HeidiSQL implements the [GO command ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/sql-server-utilities-statements-go) provided by Microsoft clients (SQLCMD, SQL Ser…
## Environment
**Liquibase Version**:
4.0.0 or above
**Liquibase Integration & Version**:
CLI, spring boot
**Database Vendor & Version**:
**Operating System Type & Version**:
## Description
Mosaic executes a lot of very similar queries on the indexes. We could use prepared statements to speed up queries by avoiding the passing overhead of sql for every query.
When running large migrations with multi-tenancy setup (MySql) we are hitting this error
Error: driver: bad connection
This happens after a long migration and before the start of the nex…