Problem when planning a manufacturing order which create a product with a sequence
The NPE is
2019-04-16 22:34:30.084 ERROR 48943 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] c.a.exception.service.TraceBackServic…
node benchmark/smallbank/main.js works in my system.
and the I run my own code to test TPS
it met errors
## Failed to instantiate chaincodes
info: [create-channel.js]: Creating supplychainchan…
Hello, I have followed the updated README file, and still faced this issue. Below is the error from the Bash CLI:
`$ truffle migrate --network rinkeby reset
Using network 'rinkeby'.
Running mig…
# Report
## What did you do?
My stackoverflow post here outlines more details:
(node:5259) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Transaction proposal was bad
supplychain-app: at FabricControllerAdapter. (/home/suntaiwai/convector-example-supplychain-master/packages/suppl…
The item sku attribute can be set to the skuCount state varia…
You should emit the event in the `addItem` function before th…
## Description
Though I am including cordentity (cordentity-cordapp, cordentity-cordapp-contracts-states, cordentity-indy-utils) as cordapp dependencies in my build.gradle file, I can't seem to i…
# Bug Report
## Description
Not able to select the date in DatePicker (which is the form is having notificationDialog implemented) inside a modal.
If I remove the releaseFocus and requestFocus fr…