### Work environment
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**Describe the bug**
Trying to build the latest ghidra commit I get a crash during the build process. Everything builds fine except for java docs.
> Task :6502:sleighCompile FAILED
Error occurred…
Lab : Ubuntu 17.04 x64
Kernel : Linux lab 4.10.0-32-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 8 12:10:06 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
code@lab:~/debug$ radare2 -A -a x86 -b 6…
### Issue description
I am not sure if this is a _bug or a feature_, lol. But When locking a pipfile with the dependency pypwin32 then also pywin32 gets added. My system is not compatible with pywi…
@esaulenka Thanks again for the firmware.
Do you have any thoughts on offset 0x68ee0 `7e 77 bd a3`.
Hopefully its data, but as a decode:
`80068ee0 7e 77 jne d15,d7,LAB_80068e…
# This template is meant for bug reports, if you have a feature request, please be as descriptive as possible and delete the template
Make sure you are testing using the latest git version of radar…
it seems that tricore has only disassembler support.
i would like to add support for analysis. (at least basic analysis like xrefs...)
can anyone help me get started?
The build failed with an Error while using `makepkg-mingw -s`.
Here is the detailed log
user@host MINGW64 /usr/src/MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-qemu (master)
$ makepkg-mingw -s
==> Making p…
Trying to install the radare using the command
Building on Linux : computing number of allowed parallel jobs.
Maximum allowed RAM memory per job is 150000 kB.
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