And SimTracker, separately...
Since I'm not fully proficient in Latex I might be doing some mistake, but I tried many approaches and still stuck. When I try to give `\inputminted` (or similar) filename parameter as a setkey (from …
I noticed incredible slow-down of a TeX compile with the current TeXLive 2017 pretest (svn -r43990, translations-1.5b). It is a file with little complexity but numerous packages loaded, including `tra…
現状の minijs.sty には
``` tex
\expandafter\def\csname ver@jsarticle.cls\endcsname{minijs}
という行があります(恐らく JS クラスが読込済と装うため)が、この値 `minijs` は「正しいバージョンの形式(日付から始める)」になっていません。そのため、次のようなコードでエラーになります。
``` te…
I'm using the `pdfpages` package to include other pdf files. It seems like Tectonic can't handle paths with a `.` or `..` in them, while pdflatex can. Quite minimal example:
``` tex
\expandafter\let\csname JY1/mc/m/n/10\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\let\csname JY1/gt/m/n/10\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\let\csname JT1/mc/m/n/10\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\let\csname JT1/gt…
# ふと思い出して試してみたら、v1.2a でも状況が同じだったので。
[twitter:697919431884713984](https://twitter.com/re_easy2/status/697919431884713984) の話です。
``` tex
Greetings to all and sundry!
I may well get told off for this, buuut...
I'm trying to port this: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/How-to-encode-several-to-a-053953d1#content into C#, spec…
今のところ、TeX Liveの中、(u)platexの特別のhyphen.cfgが使われている。普通のhyphen.cfgの差は:
+%% ( written by Tono san )
+ \advance\last@language\@ne
+ \edef\platexBANNER{\th…