Hallo zusammen,
habe vcontrold nach der Anleitung https://openv.wikispaces.com/vcontrold+mit+Raspberry+Pi installiert und komme auch damit nun recht gut klar. Mittels viessmann-Adapter konnte ich die…
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit vcontrold und vclient unter Windows laufen zu lassen?
Mit cygwin kommt ein Fehler 7b und es läuft nicht.
Gibt es evtl ein neues binary?
### Installation specifics
* **Heating type:** Vitotronic 200
* **Protocol:** KW
* **Board:** ESP8266
### Symptom
Reading/Writing Datapoint KW with length > 4 does not work.
### Extra info
I'm new to this stuff and glad to have vcontrold running but is there a way to update vcontrold easily without loosing all the adjustments?
I use with success a serial->telnet bridge to control my boiler with vcontrold. With your adapter, as it use only serial, I created a virtual port with socat :
`socat -d -d pty,link=/dev/ttyA…
I just noticed the following:
Today, the heating engineer did some maintaing on my heating. He removed the optolink adapter for an hour or so. I have a Raspberry Pi running that requests some data …
Hi, I'm trying to setup my new vitovalor with openv. I have a RPi 3 and USB-connected cable. I follow installation instructions from this wiki and from [here](https://projects.webvoss.de/2017/11/05/in…
I currently have a strange problem: After an indefinite time the vcontrold seems to report a read error and then the Viessmann adapter hangs up:
2018-05-25 03:10:37.397 - [34mdebug[39m: vie…
According to the manpage, the device file to use can be set using the `` tag. I currently have:
If I change it to
vcontrold crashes with a…
Apparently the development of vcontrold continues: https://github.com/openv/vcontrold
Unfortunately I cannot get this daemon to work with ioBroker.viessmann. The connection is reset after a few sec…